Grober High Conversion calf milk replacer is designed for economical calf rearing by meeting basic nutrient requirements for marginal, steady growth, that can be further amplified with Grober Nutrition recommended feeding schedule.

Producer Objectives
- Raising replacement dairy heifers with steady daily live-weight gain
- Optimizing rumen development through grain/water intake
- Improving immunity function by providing adequate levels of protein and delivering enough nutrition through a sound feeding schedule
Features & Benefits
- Designed for steady live-weight gain in dairy heifers
- Designed for use in automatic feeding systems
Mixing Directions
- Weigh 125g/L (can be fed at a rate of 150g/L) of powder
- Mix with 0.5 litre of hot water (60°C) for 3 minutes
- Add 0.45 litre cool water and mix for 1 minute (total litre)
- Feed the milk solution at a temperature of 38-40°C (body temperature) (thermometer and scale provides the best precision)
Producer Objectives
- Raising replacement dairy heifers with steady daily live-weight gain
- Optimizing rumen development through grain/water intake
- Improving immunity function by providing adequate levels of protein and delivering enough nutrition through a sound feeding schedule
Features & Benefits
- Designed for steady live-weight gain in dairy heifers
- Designed for use in automatic feeding systems
Mixing Directions
- Weigh 125g/L (can be fed at a rate of 150g/L) of powder
- Mix with 0.5 litre of hot water (60°C) for 3 minutes
- Add 0.45 litre cool water and mix for 1 minute (total litre)
- Feed the milk solution at a temperature of 38-40°C (body temperature) (thermometer and scale provides the best precision)
Feeding Schedule - SEE LABEL
Management Recommendations
When a calf’s ambient temperature falls below their comfort zone (calf 1-3 weeks below 15-25°C; calf 3 weeks plus below 10°C), extra nutrition should be provided to maintain growth and maintenance requirements
- Minimum 150g extra powder for a less than 3 week old calf
- Minimum 75g extra powder for a 3+ week old calf